Hey baby, I'm drinkin a nice rum and coke. It's going down nice and easy. Then I'm going to move on to a rum and eggnog. Your drink sounds good too though. Are you enjoying it? Drinking alone are we? Or do you have the biker gang to go along with the name. Which I like by the way. I'll be thinking of you as I take my next sip. Tim Horton's honey bunny(wife)
Tim Horton
JoinedPosts by Tim Horton
What's in your glass tonight?
by bikerchic inso forget hillbillys post...... what's in your glass, mug or can tonight?.
me, oj and vodka, yeah a screwdriver.
i wanted a sloscrew but we didn't have the slo so i had to settle for the regular screwdriver.. whatcha drinking?.
Hey Dub, It's Friday night.........
by hillbilly in.
lets grab a beer and chase honeys.... anyone else wanna come with us........????.
hill ( got freinds in low places class)
Tim Horton
If your a hillbilly you'd probably fit in with my crazy neighbours!!!!! You better have a shower first, though. Hey isn't it rum and eggnog season now? Don't forget the duck tape too eh?
What would you think?
by ConcernedMom inwhen i was a teenager, one of my friends started dating a jw.
he "wasn't into his religion, just his parents were.
" she ended up pregnant, quit school to get married and after that, we pretty much only saw her standing on street corners or in mcd's on sunday mornings after meetings, with her (3 i think) little boys all dressed up in their shirts and ties.
Tim Horton
Hi Deb, Sometimes it's true you can read too much into things and it can get you into trouble? I know I tend to be paranoid about certain things and lots of times I'm right but lots of times I'm wrong too. So I've found it pays to ask questions and get your facts straight. Maybe the parents just did't want their name in the paper. I know JW's tend to be very private about stuff like that. Then again there is a very strong possibility that they could be shunning him. If that is the case, it definately is a very sad senario. Your kids give you so much joy and pleasure. I can't imagine missing my 2 babies wedding days. I have a 13 year old and a 16 month old. To miss out on that just wouldn't happen. I don't kow how any parent could. I definately understand your concern.You'll have to let me know what you find out if anything and I'd love to hear from you. Mrs. Horton
Down and out.....
by morty in.
it's been a very long week.i have spent most of week in the hospital with my nana.. she had a massive heart attack on tuesday and it is not looking good.she has gone down hill fast since pop's passed recentainly.. please say a prayer for her.
it would mean alot to me.. morty
Tim Horton
Hi Mort, Sorry to hear about your Nana in the hospital. I hope she is doing better. I remember when my Grampa was sick, it was a very hard time for me. I love my Grandparents so much. It's nice to see that your actively in her life. Not enough people spend the time they should with family.It's sad really. I'm so glad to hear she has you in her time of need.Take care, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Let me know how she does. Mrs. Horton
What Do You Do Now ----That You Would Never Have Done As A Witness?
by minimus inhas your behaviour changed that much that you are doing things that you would never have done as a witness??
Tim Horton
My husband and I now go to the xxx rated stores and look at all the perverted stuff. It's really fun. The other day we bought our first sex toy. I don't think the elders would improve of that too much. Our sex life is better than ever. Think of all those JW's that are missing out. Hee hee I've always been a bit on the wild side but not out to hurt anybody wild, nothing like that. I always felt like I was being held back, restrained, I'm sure alot can relate. I also like to curse now and again. Sugar just doesn't cut it sometimes. I don't have a real potty mouth though. I don't want to be a biker chick, just free.
Tim Horton
*** Watchtower 1972 January 1 pp.31-2 Questions from Readers ***
Questions from Readers
? Do homosexual acts on the part of a married person constitute a Scriptural ground for divorce, freeing the innocent mate to remarry??U.S.A.
Homosexuality is definitely condemned in the Bible as something that will prevent individuals from gaining God's approval. (1 Cor. 6:9, 10) However, whether an innocent mate would Scripturally be able to remarry after procuring a legal divorce from a mate guilty of homosexual acts must be determined on the basis of what the Bible says respecting divorce and remarriage?
While both homosexuality and bestiality are disgusting perversions, in the case of neither one is the marriage tie broken.It is broken only by acts that make an individual "one flesh" with a person of the opposite sex other than his or her legal marriage mate.
NO RESPECT! - Rodney Dangerfield dies at age of 82
by Funchback inwhat a funny man.
i'll miss him!
arts & culturecomedian rodney dangerfield dies .
Tim Horton
A sampling of comedian Rodney Dangerfield's one-liners:
"I tell ya I get no respect from anyone. I bought a cemetery plot. The guy said, 'There goes the neighbourhood!' "
"When I was born, I was so ugly that the doctor slapped my mother."
"When I started in show business, I played one club that was so far out, my act was reviewed in Field and Stream."
"Every time I get in an elevator, the operator says the same thing to me: 'Basement?' "
"When my parents got divorced, there was a custody fight over me. ... and no one showed up."
"I never got girls when I was a kid. One girl told me, 'Come on over, there's nobody home.' I went over. There was nobody home."
"When I was three years old, my parents got a dog. I was jealous of the dog, so they got rid of me."
"When we got married, the first thing my wife did was put everything under both names -- hers and her mother's."
"With my wife, I don't get no respect. The other night there was a knock on the front door. My wife told me to hide in the closet."
"With my wife, I get no respect. I fell asleep with a cigarette in my hand. She lit it."
You can't replace that... -
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #114 - Who is it?
by ozziepost inthis weekend is the time for footie fever here in nsw so with all th excitement we need to slow down and contemplate together.
so get a nice cuppa or a glass or two of shiraz and consider this for a few moments: .
why are the writers of questions from readers never identified?.
Tim Horton
They're anonymous Mormons and Moonies slowly gathering info on the org with the goal of infiltration and assimilation?
For Atheists only
by Kaethra init's not for atheists only...i just hoped i'd get their attention.
my oldest brother is about 10 years older than me.
he married a girl that i adored.
Tim Horton
I'm so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law...and your Dad (he was one of the most patient men I knew)
I'm not sure what I would say specifically to her, but from my experience with families in the org facing death in the eye, they still have a hard time facing the idea of losing a loved one...even with the their "resurrection hope". Your S-I-L no doubt wants to enjoy the rest of her life being the upbeat person she is and might enjoy having someone more upbeat to have around,so she might enjoy your good sense of humour. Why it might be hard to have a lighter view of life during times like this, I sure would'nt want to be surrounded by morose people if I only had a short time left.(maybe no Jehover jokes though) Just make yourself available, she might put aside your "not great association label" and want to see you now, even if it is only to "witness" to you. Course this is all IMO...
(((kaethra))) -
my mom is a psychodub
by Tim Horton ini told my mom that i tried to commit suicide and she asked me who was going to have a bible study with my son.
there was no other word's from her other than that.
not even a reaction.
Tim Horton
I really appreciate the response I got last night when I got on line for the first time last night. I found it so encouraging today to read all or your responses. It's sad to hear the depression and sadness that the Jw's have caused in people's live. I do see a therapist thank goodness and find him to be so helpful. I can talk to him about anything. I've been in and out of the truth my whole life and of course am not sure if I have the right heart condition or not. I'm sure you've heard that before. Witnesses have no goals but the new system, I've seen this in my Mom and inlaws and other jw's. Everything is solely based on armageddon. I just can't live under my Mom's grasp or thumb shall I say anymore. We are talking about a total control freak. I did try to commit suicide but I am better now so don't worry, that's in the past, behind me. My husband Tim Horton and I have a 16 month and 13 year old so we are doing some real soul searching as to how we are going to raise our kids. Not brainwash, raise. You sound like a great bunch of people, I wish I couldmeet you all. Hugs, Mrs. Horton (I'm going to get a new computer name cause that sounds really old foogy)P.s Last week I told my father inlaw we might move in 5 years. He says "Oh armageddon will be here before that". Please!